Kit Review: Kiwi Resin Models 1/48 Avia CS-199 Conversion (In the Box Review)
By Floyd S. Werner Jr.
The S-199, infamous for its poor handling characteristics, was the mating of a Bf-109 airframe with the
bomber engine from a He-111. This aircraft was so much of a bear to fly that the fledgling Czech Police
Force needed to train its pilots in the handling characteristics of this blended machine. Their solution, the
CS-199, a two seat trainer version of the Mule. The S-199 went on to some fame as the first aircraft of the
Israeli Air Force but the CS-199, as far as I can tell, never left Czechoslovakia.
Until now you were only afforded the ability to build this kit in 1/72nd scale with a KP kit, which was had huge
rivets and poor fitting quality. If you wanted it in 1/48th scale you had to scratch build it yourself.
Kiwi Resin has provided us with a very comprehensive yet simple conversion that is exquisitely executed.
In the hard shell boxing you get 14 pieces of cream colored resin that is bubble, blemish free and perfectly
straight. Beautifully cast these parts are to be mated with a Hasegawa Bf-109G-10 or K-4 kit which has the
large wheel bulges for the wings.
The biggest parts are the two piece fuselage halves which are direct replacements for the Hasegawa parts.
Mine are free from warps and perfectly cast. They are wrapped in bubble wrap and made the trip from New
Zealand to the US with out any breakage. The panel lines are as fine as what you receive in the Hasegawa kit
so they will look really nice together. The remaining parts are mostly for the cockpits, the prop and spinner.

A crystal clear canopy is provided. Molded by Falcon Canopy you know it is perfect and clear. I would have
liked to have had another one just in case. I will still position mine open just for the unique look. The canopy is
distinctly different than that used on the 109G-12.
The single page instructions are printed off of a color printer and provide a parts breakdown and on the
back side some color reference photos from the only remaining CS-199 in the world (that I'm aware of) at Kbely
in Prague. These photos are out of the Wings & Wheels Publication which is an essential reference for either
the S-199 or the CS-199.
There are no decals in the box. You will have to source them from Tally-Ho which has markings for the
S-199, however, the box top had a colorful silver lacquer finished machine with yellow stripes on the wings
and fuselage that is sure to command attention in your display case or on the model table. The hardest thing
to source will be the star and wreath for the forward cowling.
The casting of this kit is exceptional. The unique subject matter will appeal to 109 aficionados and anyone
looking for something different. If you are looking for your first resin kit this one would be a perfect start. I doubt
you will ever see this airplane in an injection molded kit. Thank God for the cottage industry.
Highly recommended.
I'll be starting this kit shortly for the Aircraft Resource Center Bf-109 Group Build and the Hyperscale
Augsburg Eagle Theme Build. It will look great alongside of the Kiwi Resin S-199 I'm building.
Thanks to my wallet for the review copy. You can get your copy at or by
emailing David Lochead directly at Let him know you heard about it from me here.
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