Building Italeri’s Eurofighter Typhoon 1/48 scale, Kit #862
By Tim Robb, Originally published September 2004

here to see more photos of this model.
The Eurofighter Typhoon is just now entering
service in the UK, Germany, Italy, and Spain so
this model kit is of a very new airplane. The
Eurofighter is designed with both air to air and
air to ground capability. It’s very newness presents
some modeling challenges in the way of
reference materials since there aren’t a lot of
books around. Eurofighter GmbH, based in
Hallbergmoos, Germany, is a consortium set up
to manage the development and production of
the weapon system. It is owned by three partner
companies, Alenia Aeronautica 21%, BAE Systems
33%, and EADS (CASA and DASA) 46%.
This information is straight from the
Eurofighter.com website, which was the main
reference I used in building the model. A new
airplane deserves a new way to research the
model, don’t you agree? I viewed lots of photos
on Eurofighter.com and also Airliners.net and
answered all my “what does this look like?
where does this go? what color is this? where do
these stencils go?” questions that way.
Italeri kit number 862 is of the two-seat variant
of the aircraft. The kit is molded in gray plastic
with one sprue of clear parts. The gray plastic
is fairly soft and is easy to work with. The clear
parts are brilliantly clear and the plastic on
them is harder. Stores included are two
sidewinders, two drop tanks, and four AIM-
120 missiles. Decals are provided for service
test aircraft for the UK, Germany, Italy, and
I don’t particularly like service test aircraft
markings so to build an early squadron service
machine my first task was to study photos on
the web and see if I could find enough similarities
in markings on any of them to make a go of
it with the kit decal sheet. You can do it with
just the kit decals if you choose the German
machine with national insignias in four positions.
The Italian, Brit, and Spanish birds all
have national insignias in six positions, and
only four of each are provided on the decal
sheet. The insignia that the service test aircraft
carry in the other two positions is a multinational
insignia. I really liked the Spanish machine
with the bright, red-yellow-red roundels,
St. Andrew’s cross on the tail, and the bull
insignia also on the tail best. I found out from
the hobby shop that Bondo had also purchased
a kit so I contacted him and he was kind enough to help me out
by sending me the extra Spanish decals I wanted—thank you
On to the building. The cockpit consists of a simple cockpit tub
with decals for consoles and instrument panels and very simple—
no, let’s be truthful—crude ejection seats. The seats in the
Eurofighter are the brand new Martin Baker Mk.16A. There is
an excellent shot of the seat alone, removed from the aircraft to
be found at www.topfighters.com/eurofighter_mk16.php. I took
one look at the kit seats compared to this photo and immediately
thought “aftermarket seats.” I didn’t find them. I couldn’t find
any Martin Baker Mk 14s that the Mk. 16 is derived from either.
Next I thought about building the model with the canopy closed
to obscure the problem a little so I checked the fit of the canopy
and windscreen parts. The front of the canopy part is a full 1/8”
narrower than the back of the windscreen part so this canopy is
going to be posed open.

So, into the spares box I went, digging for stuff to busy up the
kit seats. I detailed the seats with bits of plastic card and rod,
landing gear struts from a 1/144 scale F-5E, and the center
sections cut from some 1/72 triple ejector bomb racks left over
from an A-7 kit. Painted up with a wash and a dry brushing, they
look pretty busy and even in the right areas. I sanded off the
molded-in seat belts and replaced them with some Eduard prepainted
green USAAF WW II belts. Someday there will be an
aftermarket cockpit set for this kit, maybe there is already. It
needs it.

Assembly of the airframe is pretty simple. The big canopy
fairing/fuselage spine had long sinks on both sides. The multiple
pieces of the intake area fit together pretty well. The kit
gives the option of posing the big speed brake on top of the
fuselage open, and also the air-to-air refueling probe on the
starboard side of the nose. I didn’t see any photos of parked
airplanes with either of these open, so I fitted them in the closed
position, in which they don’t fit very well. Photos of parked
airplanes do show the wing leading edge slats open, but these
are not provided as separate parts in the kit. I didn’t open them.
I used my favorite filler, Gunze Sangyo Mr. Surfacer 500, to
correct the fit problems on the speed brake, refueling probe
cover, and also the big long sinks on the fuselage spine. Mr.
Surfacer 500 brushes on as a thick liquid, and when dry it can
be rubbed down smooth with denatured alcohol on a cotton
swab so there is no sanding and therefore no loss of the kit’s
surface detail. It works really well for sinks and for any narrow
gap between parts that come together at an angle.

Two areas of the airframe, the outside edges of the jet intake
part where it joins to the fuselage and the jet pipe piece where
it meets the rear of the fuselage, did not fit well, leaving gaps of
about 1/32”. I already said the intake parts fit pretty well so this
is a contradiction and here’s the explanation: the interior parts
of the intake that would be difficult to work with do fit pretty
well, but the gaps are left on both fuselage sides where they are
easy to get at. I filled them with plastic card and filler and
sanded them smooth with no problem. They are on an area of
the model where there is minimal surface detail to lose, and it
will later have various stencils applied there too. The jet pipe
gap is a little tougher. Since the plane is a twin-engine jet, the
part is curved around the two engines. I filled it in with plastic
card and gap filling super glue. I chose super glue here anticipating
loss of surface detail that would require some rescribing.
Mr. Surfacer is a bit too soft to scribe on for me. On
hard plastic, super glue dries at about the same consistency of
the plastic and scribes OK. This kit is in soft plastic and the rescribing
didn’t work out very well for me. Fortunately, my
poorly re-scribed line is at a place where the gray fuselage joins
to the metal tail section so is somewhat less noticeable. It is also
on the bottom side of the model. If I had it to do over again, I
would not try to re-scribe that line, I would just draw it in with
a pencil. The body work done, on to the painting.

The plane is overall light gray. The instruction sheet gives the
color as FS 36375 light ghost gray, and that looks pretty close
to me. The landing gear struts, wheel wells, and jet intake are
all a glossy light gray color. No reference to this color was given
on the kit instruction sheet. I used FS 36495 because I had it on
the shelf already. It looks OK to me. Compared to the white
used in these areas on US jets, this is toned down a bit, but still
allows ground crews to spot hydraulic leaks if the fluid has red
dye in it. That is just a speculation on my part and has nothing
whatsoever to do with building the model, sorry. Masking the
complex shapes of the wheel wells and the intake took awhile,
but you gotta do it to get the look of the airplane right. The nose
cone, fin tip, and a small rectangular area of the spine are
painted in another shade of light gray, somewhere in between
the light ghost gray and the light gray intake and wheel well
color, that also has no color reference in the kit instructions. I
had some US Navy light gull gray on the shelf but it didn’t look
quite right. I used a 50-50 mix of the light gull gray FS 36440
and the light gray FS 36495 that looked close enough to keep
when I applied it.
The decals worked pretty well and were in register. I did have
some silvering on some of the smaller ones, probably because
I left them in the water too long or worked too slowly with them.
I finished out my Spanish service scheme with some plain black
code letters, and some low viz formation light decals. The serial
number on the decal sheet, XCE.16-01, got shortened on the
service scheme by removing the “X” from the front of it, and
CE-16-01 is the correct serial number for aircraft number 11-
71. There are numerous photos of this bird on the Eurofighter
site. The bull insignia on the decal sheet has the bull turned with
horns forward on both sides of the tail fin. This is incorrect, the
bull’s horns are to the left on both sides of the plane. With
Bondo’s extra sheet, I got this right on the model. The bull
insignias are a little too large, and there is another insignia lower
down on the tail fin that I am missing. Too bad, so sad. You can
do a more accurate German scheme if you want to, I like my
Spanish bird. Since this is a model of a new aircraft, I gave it
only a very light wash. None of the photos I looked at showed
dirty airplanes, but they did universally show a black stain on
the port side of the fuselage above a vent at the wing fuselage
joint. I put that on with black pastel.
Now for the finishing touches. The landing gear parts work
well. This is a really good area of the kit. They do all require
cleanup of mold parting lines. I already told you that the canopy
doesn’t match up to the windscreen and must be posed open.
There are other problems with the clear parts too. The HUD
parts are the wrong shape. They are molded in a sort of rounded
rectangular shape with frames molded around them. The real
ones are round in shape with no frames. The kit parts have a
nifty little mounting bracket molded onto the bottom of them,
so I sanded the kit parts down to the right shape, polished them
back to clear, and used them. The wing tip lights aren’t there at
all. The solid back-side of the fairings for these lights are
molded onto the wing tip pods, but there are no clear parts to go
on in front of them. Into the spares box again, I found some 1/
144 scale 750 pound bombs that had about the right curvature
to them. I sanded them down flat on one side, cut off the length
needed from the front, and put them on. Then I painted them a
silver undercoat, with a food coloring and Micro Kristal Klear
top-coat to represent the colored transparencies. Done!
I like the model. It looks good finished. There’s a lot more to do
on a model of a two-seat, twin engined jet fighter with six
missiles hung underneath it and complex engine inlet and
landing gear struts, than there is to do on my usual WWII single
engine prop jobs. Must be why I build more prop planes. I
recommend this kit to you, especially as soon as there are
cockpit detail sets, or even just Martin Baker Mk.16A seats, and
some aftermarket decal sheets available to go with it.
Go build a model!

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