Building Academy Minicraft’s 1/48 Piper Cherokee 140
By Tim Robb, Originally published March 2005

here to see more photos of this model along with Tim's other work.
Piper introduced the PA-28 Piper Cherokee in
1961 as a replacement for the Piper Cub. The
basic model PA-28-140 is a four-seat, low wing,
all metal monoplane with fixed gear, and powered
by a 150 hp Lycoming engine. Follow on
designs are the PA-28-161 Warrior, and PA-28-
181 Archer, featuring various upgrades.
Academy Minicraft’s PA-28-140 kit comprises
32 parts molded in white plastic and six clear
parts. The surface detail of the kit is good, and
the interior is nicely done for a simple kit. The
interior consists of floorboard, two front seats,
a simple one-piece back seat, instrument panel,
and two control wheels. There is a nice representation
of the Lycoming motor and motor
mount. This is good because the air cooled
engine is visible both through the cooling openings
in the front of the cowling and through an
opening in the underside of the cowling where
the nose gear strut also attaches to the firewall.
The fixed tricycle undercarriage is molded in
just two parts for each wheel. The wheel pant,
tire, and strut assembly is molded as one piece
for each leg and the second piece is the other
half of the wheel pant. The decal sheet is
worthless, more on that later.
I didn’t have any reference materials at all for
this airplane, so I started my study by logging
onto Airliners.net. The painting instructions in
the kit are pure fantasy. There are hundreds of
photos of Cherokees on Airliners.net and none
of them has a color scheme similar to what is
shown in the kit’s painting instructions. Another
not quite inaccuracy but shortcoming the
kit has is that most Cherokees operate without
wheel pants, or at least without all three of
them, so it would have been preferable for this
kit to come with a more detailed undercarriage
that made the wheel pants optional. Given
those two things, my first chore was to scroll
through the Cherokee photos and find one with
a simple enough scheme that I could paint that
was also at the same time an aircraft wearing all
three wheel pants. I settled on a British civil
registered aircraft, G-AVGC pictured at
Popham, UK in June, 2003. It wears the same
light blue and white colors (excuse me,
“colours” – it’s a Brit) as the model shown on
the kit box top, but there the similarity ends. On
to the building.
The simple interior goes together well. The instrument panel is
molded with raised circular gauges, but no faces to them, and no
instrument panel decal is provided. The kit’s white plastic came
in handy here. I painted the whole thing a scale black color and
then scratched off a little of the black on the face of the gauges
to represent numbers, dials, etc. A follow on dry brush with
white and a drop of Micro
Kristal Klear onto
each instrument face and
the panel was quickly
done and looks good
compared to photos too.
After painting the rest of
the interior I added
simple lap belts to all
four seats and that finished
the interior.

Now glue it all together,
finish the seams and
paint it up, right? Well
yes, but there are still
some challenges. The
fuselage halves stop at
the firewall and the engine
cowling is molded
in a bottom / front piece,
and a wrap around top
piece. There is just a little room in between the firewall and
instrument panel and I fit a penny and two small fishing weights
in there – all there was room for - and thought it would be
enough to make the model stand up on its nose gear by the time
the motor and cowling went on. I was wrong but will come back
to that; let me talk about the engine next.
The Lycoming and its mount are molded in ten parts. The
instructions were not very clear on where these all went, just
showing some arrows pointing to the general area, but this is not
too hard to muddle through. When the motor and cowling were
fastened to the rest of the model I discovered the weight I was
able to get into the space behind the firewall was inadequate to
make the model sit up on its nose gear. The cowl fits fairly
tightly around the engine and there are parts of the engine
visible through the three openings in the cowl. There was no
room for more fishing weights. I went to bed and thought about
it. The next day I took a lead fishing weight and tried to mash
it flat between a pair of pliers. It gave a little but not enough, so
then I laid it on the handle of my bastard file (the big one for
woodworking in one to one scale) and pounded it flat with my
hammer. (That was some of the most satisfying modeling I have
ever done.) With a few
weights now flattened
into lead sheet, I lined
the interior of the cowling
in places that didn’t
show through the openings
and this was
enough weight. You
could just use lead foil
but it is FUN to pound
fishing weights flat!
Now after finishing all
the seams I should have
been ready to paint, but
the model didn’t look
right. At this point let
me tell you that the
other model I was
building at the same
time was a Tamiya
Brewster Buffalo. The
Buffalo kit has nice deep recesses for the tailplane parts to fit
into, and an equally sure method of mounting the wing to the
fuselage. The Buffalo kit is idiot proof on alignment. The Piper
Cherokee kit is not idiot proof and I proved I was the idiot. I had
the wing on with right side swept forward and left side swept
back or vice-versa. So I took it off, reattached it correctly, filled
larger gaps than I filled the first time, got ready to paint again,
primed it with Floquil Reefer White, and painted it all a nice
gloss white with Testors enamel from the little bottle. I like the
little bottles for glossy enamels. But the model still did not look
right. This time the problem was that the one-piece tailplane
part was too low on one side and too high on the other. So I took
it off, worked on the opening it fit into until it would go on level,
re-attached it, filled larger gaps than the first time, re-primed,
and repainted.
Now, finally ready for the second color, I masked off the blue
parts on the fuselage and painted. G-AVGC has a simple blue
pattern on the fuselage with a thin black cheat line below it. The
tail fin has two blue chevrons, also with a thin black stripe next
to each. I did the blue with paint and the black with decal stripe.
For the chevrons on the tail fin,
I made a mask by drawing them
to the size I wanted on a piece of
post it note, and cutting out the
chevrons with my X-Acto knife.
I taped the mask onto the tail fin
and sprayed straight down onto
it, stopping just as soon as I had paint coverage. The following
day I removed the mask, flipped it over, and repeated on the
other side of the fin. This worked well. G-AVGC has “Cherokee
140” in small white letters on the black cheat line on the engine
cowling. It would have been nice if the kit decal sheet included
this but it didn’t. It had the words “Piper”, and “Beech”, but in
black only and too large. It also has a few letters and numbers
in both black and white for the modeler to (shudder) make up a
serial number. Apparently it is a generic sheet that goes into this
whole series of light plane kits. It also would have been nice if
there were striping options for one or more aircraft in actual
factory color schemes.

Most of the schemes I saw in the photos were too elaborate for
me to attempt, but would be fairly simple to apply from accurate
decal sheets. I scrounged into my decal box for some black
letters and black striping and applied the decals. Next, I sealed
the decals and applied a thin black wash into the control surface
hinge lines. The molded in lines were not deep enough to take
this cleanly, so I had to scribe them a little deeper. I love doing
that on an already painted and decaled model, don’t you? Next
I put in the clear parts. The four side windows fit well, but there
is a big gap either above or below the windshield, your choice!
I chose below and filled it with several applications of white
glue. The white glue levels itself as it dries and there is no need
to come back and sand it. You can paint over it just fine with
Testors enamels. G-AVGC has a tall red strobe on the top of the
tail fin. I modeled this by taking a piece of clear sprue, inserting
it into my Dremel tool, and sanding it down to the right diameter
by holding the spinning sprue against sandpaper. Then, with the
sprue still in the Dremel tool, I polished it back to clear in the
same manner with a set of Micro-mesh polishing cloths. Next I
took it out of the Dremel, cut it to length, glued it on the top of
the tail fin, and painted it red with Kristal Klear tinted with red
food coloring. I wouldn’t have had to do that last part if I had
some clear red sprue around, maybe from a car kit, but I don’t
do cars. Now add antennas accurate to the aircraft you have
chosen to model (none are provided in the kit), add the boarding
step, an MV lens for the landing light in the nose, stick the prop
on the front, and its finished.
This kit was my “white elephant” from the Christmas party
exchange and I never would have picked it for myself, but know
what? When I got into the building, this was every bit as
enjoyable as any other model airplane I’ve built, and it makes
a handsome little model. It gives a sense of size to all those
warplanes in my display case too, and additionally gives me
something to point to if I’m ever asked if I only build models of
instruments of death. Academy Minicraft has several other kits
in their series of civil light planes in 1/48. Try one!

here to see more photos of this model along with Tim's other work.
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