ASMS Member & Contest Galleries
The ASMS Photo Galleries contain albums of member's projects, reference
photos, and contest photos. Feel free to browse the galleries by clicking the link below:
Enter the Gallery
ASMS members can add photos to the gallery. If you are a member and have photos you
would like to add, please email the photos to the webmaster
along with the following information:
- Your name and email address.
- What album you would like the photos loaded into, if the album
exists. Otherwise, the name and description for a new album -
be sure to indicate the category that you would like the new album
created in. (If you want a personal album for your projects, indicate
this and an album with your name will be added to the ASMS Member
- Captions that you would like to add to any of the pictures.
Note that you can create an account by clicking the Register button and logging in. This will allow you to post
comments about photos, but it will not allow you to post photos.